Tuesday, 14 March 2017


I have always been motivated by one basic thing- adding positive value to lives around me. And that is the drive behind my being a Network Marketer. At first, one would be carried away with the success stories which are a factor of the monetary value attached to those who have actually made it through networking. Please, permit me to say, do not let that be your motivation be ‘money’. The reason is simple, if money is your motivation; you would be frustrated early and will lose your cool later. This does not imply that you won’t succeed as a Networker but, the point am making here is that, when you add value to lives, the money will follow. But not the other way round. (Please get understanding of what am trying to say). Your success is not hinged on the money you will make, but on the value you will be adding to yourself and others around you.  Hence, In as much as what I call the Nigerian factor is inherent in us, you should not let it drive you, if it does, it will drive you to oblivion. So to succeed as a network marketer, you need to know or do the following:

1.       Know the company you want to be part of in and out. The internet is there. Ask around, make enquiry for yourself and BE CONVINCED that they are real and you can work with them
2.       Forget whatever you are, be it a graduate, a doctor, a market woman or what have you. Be willing and ready to learn. A good networking company has seminars and training schemes for her partners. Go and learn. It is an avenue to develop your hidden skills. Especially the usual excuse, “I can’t do marketing”. You will not only learn how to talk to people, you will be shocked at how you can convince people.
3.       Patience is a virtue. Some persons are so resourceful that within 4 months, he/she could really hit big while some persons much more time is needed. So, walk with in your own pace. There is only one guarantee, you will get there.
4.       Avoid people with Anti-Networking Syndrome virus.
5.       Talk, relate well with your upliner, team leader and all members of your team. You can’t get there alone.
6.       Since it is a passive income, create time especially your leisure time to talk to people. Start with your family. They say “Charity begins at home”
7.       Read networking books. If need any get across to me through the comment section by typing your email. I will send the ones I have to you.
8.       DON’T GIVE UP. An average physical business yield little or nothing in the first few year and yet you will incure expenditures year in-year-out. But you did not give up. Why would you give up on less stressful business which is just a function of your spare time. Be wise and join one NOW.
9.       Personally, I would recommend LONGRICH to you all. Mind you, I am not just recommending. I am an integral part of the company.

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